James McKim, Organizational Ignition, LLC

The demographics of New Hampshire are changing. People of Color who previously made up 10% of the state now make up 14% according to the latest U.S. Census data. Yet, the number of minority-owned businesses in the state does not come close to being representative of those demographics.

For 37 years NH SBDC has been proud to support entrepreneurs and small business owners from every walk of life. We provide the same great services to anyone that walks through our doors, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, religious or political beliefs. But like many organizations, we know we can do more to have our services be welcoming and inclusive to all.

NH SBDC is taking action by launching its Inclusivity Project. The purpose of the project is to provide confidential, highly individualized business advising, education and resources to more entrepreneurs and small business owners who are People of Color across NH to help them start or grow their business.

The goals of the program are:

  • Connect with more PoC owned businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Create meaningful connections to community leaders who work with people of color to amplify SBDC’s outreach efforts.
  • Be a true trusted partner and resource for communities of color.
  • Provide DEI training to SBDC team members on cultural sensitivities, needs, and challenges of minority businesses.

The project’s approach is intentional and collaborative and is in the beginning stages. It will result in a comprehensive plan for NH SBDC to reach more entrepreneurs of color with our business advising and education services.

Stay tuned for more information about the project and how you can participate in moving it forward.

Funding provided for this program through the CARES Act. 

James McKim headshot

NH SBDC has engaged Mr. James McKim, Managing Partner, Organizational Ignition, LLC to help drive the effort. Mr. McKim has over three decades of experience in the technology industry and working with for-profit and no-profit organizations. Most recently, Mr. McKim has gained notoriety for his thought-leading work on organizational performance through diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as well as his advocacy for equality in law enforcement and education. Mr. McKim also proudly serves as President of the Manchester NAACP.
