Are you trying to connect with the federal agencies and prime contractors that could be your customers?
Meet with ~30 federal agencies and prime contractors, all on one day, all in one place.
Connect with new federal customers, re-engage with existing customers and network with 200 other small businesses and resource partners.
The NH Matchmaker offers an effective and efficient, in-person opportunity to connect with government contracting representatives.
Leading up to the Matchmaker, online workshops cover topics relevant to small business suppliers.
Cosponsored by SBA NH District Office, APEX Accelerator, and NH SBDC. Thank you to Lead Supporter BAE Systems.
2024 NH Small Business Matchmaker
Tuesday, December 10
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Edward Cross Training Center
96 Sheep Davis Road
Pembroke, NH
Small Business Registration
Registration (through December 8): $100; Veterans $75
Final Registration (December 9-10): $125; Veterans $100
register now!
Federal & state agencies and large prime contractors: Register here.
The NH Small Business Matchmaker brings small businesses together with prime contractors and federal and state agencies. Its design allows small businesses to meet with exhibitors that are looking for small businesses with appropriate services or products to fulfill their government contracts. Attendees can also connect with Small Business Resources at the event.
The NH Matchmaker allows small businesses ample opportunity to meet with exhibitors. We strive for a relaxed atmosphere so meetings occur on a first come basis. It is not structured with scheduled appointments. Keeping meetings meaningful but brief (up to 10 minutes) allows everyone to get their turn.
The event provides great networking opportunities so come prepared with plenty of business cards and get ready to make connections and build relationships with exhibitors and other small businesses.
A new addition to the Matchmaker event!
Presentation on CMMC Certification
We know that becoming CMMC-certified is critical to many government contractors. Paige Yeater, Mainstay Technologies, will share the FREE resources NH SBDC offers NH businesses to help you work towards certification. SBDC and Mainstay can help you get on a trajectory to help you reach your goals (with no expectations for further services from Mainstay).
Come to the CMMC session - during the lunch break, so your meetings with exhibitors are not interrupted! - to find out more about the free eCourses and 90-minute consultations with Mainstay Technologies that SBDC offers.
2024 Exhibitors
2024 MM Exhibitors Opportunities
(confirmed 12/4/2024)
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Hanscom PZI
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Hanscom Small Business
Army Corp of Engineers, New England Division
The Aulson Company, Inc.
BAE Systems, Electronic Systems Sector
Carrigg Commercial Builders
Charter Contracting Company
Cianbro Corporation
Federal Correctional Institution - Berlin
General Services Administration
KMK Construction, Inc.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
New Hampshire National Guard
Triumph Engine Control Systems
USDA Forest Service Fleet
US Property & Fiscal Office - Joint Counter Office
Veterans Health Administration / Network Contracting Office 1
Weston & Sampson Engineers
Whiting-Turner Contracting Co.
2024 Small Business Resource Partners
(confirmed 12/3/2024)
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
Mainstay Technologies
NH Aerospace & Defense Consortium (NHADC)
NH APEX Accelerator
NH Business and Economic Affairs
NH Department of Transportation
NH Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NH MEP)
NH Small Business Development Center
OUSD R&E SBIR STTR Program Office
Small Business Administration - NH District Office
Surety Bond Professionals, Inc.
U.S. DOL Apprenticeship Program
U.S. DOT Small Business Transportation Resource Center
Online Workshops
Prior to the Matchmaker, we offer free online workshops. Register for one or more, and recommend to members of your team that they register and attend workshops appropriate to their roles - all free, even if the individual is not registered to attend the NH Matchmaker in person.
If you have not attended a Matchmaker before, check out the Pre- and Post-Matchmaker workshop to equip yourself with what you need to know to have a successful day and follow up.
Preparing for the Upcoming Matchmaker - And Following Up Post-Matchmaker
An overview of how to prepare and what to expect at the upcoming Small Business Matchmaker Event in Pembroke, NH., and a discussion about Post-Matchmaker Follow Up.
The Ins and Outs of Bonding Your Government Contract
An overview of the SBA’s Surety Bonding and Contract Line of Credit Programs, presented by Lauren Leskanic, Surety Bond Professionals, Inc. ,Natick, MA.
Capability Statements & DSBS Profiles
Your Capabilities Statement is the most important piece of marketing literature for selling to government agencies and prime contractors -review how to prepare a competent and engaging capabilities statement.
- 2024_sba_sam-sdb-dsbs-presentation.pdf (891.65 KB)
- capabilities-statement-2024.pdf (878.83 KB)

Cosponsorship Authorization # TBD. SBA’s participation in this Cosponsored Activity is not an endorsement of the views, opinions, products or services of any Cosponsor or other person or entity. All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact: Rachael Roderick, (603) 225-1603, Rachael.roderick@sba.gov . This website is provided as a public service under Cosponsorship Authorization # 23-29-C. It is not an official U.S. government website and may contain links to non-U.S. government information. Inclusion of such links does not constitute or imply an endorsement by SBA. SBA is not responsible for the content, accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of linked information. Please use caution when considering a product, service or opinion offered by a linked website.