
Start. Grow. Learn.

Are you an entrepreneur with an idea?
Are you an existing business? Do you have questions?
We can help!

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NH SBDC is the leading resource for business advising and education for small businesses in the Granite State.

SBDC’s dedicated team of professional business advisors delivers highly individualized, confidential advising at no charge to enterprises across New Hampshire. We are proud to support clients from every walk of life, regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, religious or political beliefs. Our team has more than 280 years of experience working with small businesses to help them grow and be successful, resilient, and always prepared to respond to the unexpected.

  Find Your Closest NH SBDC Location

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Micro Business Collaborative

An educational, networking program designed for new to new-ish business owners who are unemployed or under-employed and who have up to five employees.

Learn More

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eCourses are no-cost discussions of useful and relevant topics for small businesses. And they are short - about 15 minutes long.

Register today

inclusivity commitment

Inclusivity Commitment

Like many organizations, we know we can do more to have our services be more welcoming, inclusive, and accessible to business owners of color. NH SBDC is taking action with its Inclusivity Commitment

Learn More 

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Meet with ~30 federal agencies and prime contractors, all on one day, all in one place.

The NH Matchmaker offers an effective and efficient, in-person opportunity to connect with government contracting representatives.
Leading up to the Matchmaker, online workshops cover topics relevant to small business suppliers.


info and register here

Economic Impact

In 2023, NH SBDC's total annual economic impact on the State of  NH was $242MM.
We served 3,409 entrepreneurs through direct advising and education in over 200 communities across the Granite State.  We also helped our clients achieve the following: 


New Capital Raised


Jobs Created & Saved


Increased Sales

Online Resources

Business Life Cycle

NHSBDC Business Life-Cycle The five stages of the business life-cycle; think, launch, grow, reinvent, exit. Exit Reinvent Grow Launch Think

No matter where your business is in its life cycle, we have tools & resources to help you take the next step.

Check out our eCourses.

Client Stories

In 2016 Karen instead got together with an operations colleague to co-found Top Wellness, “a U.S. based national corporate wellness provider,…

SBDC Programs

Handled by Hayden, now Handled. By Hayden & Co., is a remote business support agency providing executive assistant and digital marketing support…

SBDC Feature

SBDC held our 40th Anniversary Celebration on May 30, 2024 in the Great Hall at UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics. We were honored…
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Business and Economic Affairs
University of New Hampshire


Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and through assistance provided by the State of New Hampshire. The NH SBDC is an outreach program of the UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics in conjunction with SBA, the State of NH (BEA), the University of NH, and the private sector.