new ecourses graphic

SBDC is excited to announce the launch of our NEW and IMPROVED eCourses program!

We have reinvented our eLearning program, designed for prospective, new, and current entrepreneurs. The 30 new eCourses are approx. 15 minutes long and are housed on a fresh, more user-friendly platform. Each eCourse has a downloadable outline and links to relevant resources, as well as a transcription and closed captions. Even our registration system is more compact.

Topics include Starting a Business in NH, Funding a Business in NH, Digital Marketing, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Financial Management, Exporting, and management areas such as Cybersecurity, The Employee Lifecycle, How to Read Your Energy Bill, Safety, Bankruptcy, and Sales.

eCourses are free and available 24/7. Entrepreneurs set up an account once, and then can quickly register for individual eCourses thereafter.

Our first iteration of online learning started in 2008 and evolved as funding and technology allowed. We began our latest eCourses project in May 2020 with funding from the CARES Act and sponsors. Over the past two and a half years, we worked with fifteen subject matter experts and a dozen SBDC advisors to bring you the latest and great content. We edited all thirty 15-minute scripts and their rewrites, listened to and critiqued over 400 minutes of audio narrations, and reviewed and edited about 600 slides.  We are proud of our new eCourses, and this next great stage of our online learning program.

We hope you take full advantage of the eCourses program. Visit the eCourses webpage to take a course!
